Sunday, March 20, 2016

Match Day!

This past week thousands of medical students across the medical students opened an envelope that told them where they would complete their residency in various specialties.

Most physicians remember that day like it was yesterday.

And for a few medical students of a particular persuasion, that envelope can be a dream come true: You're going to be a surgeon.

Surgeons: physicians who combine critical thinking, precision tactile skills and techniques, and care for a range of patients and diseases - everyone from the 21 year old who wrecks their dirt bike to your grandpa who was just diagnosed with colon cancer.   It is a grueling, awesome career choice, and to those lucky (crazy) folks who matched this past week, Congratulations!

And to the future surgeons out there in high school, college, medical school, and even still in residency (like me), the goal of being a surgeon is worth the time, effort, lost weekends in the library, and perpetual caffeine addiction - if it's the profession that truly calls you.

In this blog, I'm going to try to share my best advice, experiences, and words of wisdom.  So you want to be a surgeon?  If you're crazy enough to try, you just might make it.

For all those medical students out there, here is some complied, extensive advice from myself and two colleagues at the University of Washington who matched happily into surgery a several years ago.

Til next time!
Petite Surgeon

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